Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pokemon Cards Future Value Will Pokemon Cards Be Worth Anything In The Future?

Will pokemon cards be worth anything in the future? - pokemon cards future value

I just all my old Pokemon cards at the beginning of the life of the cards. I remembered how those cards are valuable and have a wholesale price for all those who had an insurance card. But now I want to sell, I found it no less worthy then you have checked the last time. If I keep the cards for ten, twenty, even fifty years, these cards are worth more? If not, I should now selling these cards because they have no value?


düdε said...

hahhaa NO! for some reason, people are more comfortable now yugioh, pokemon make by far. pokemon let alone try to get all the advertising they can get! do not believe me? POKEMON BURGER KING to use! To sell tickets for them! i daughter to be worthless in the future

coastiew... said...

Who will probably never be worth a significant part of his new, but it is fun to keep and show your grandchildren one day be. If you do not mean it a little more and get rid of them just want to sell then. Some of these things is still common in places such as the Com-Con

Steven said...

could. I have many cards from my childhood, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic The Gathering, Hockey (Canada, lol) and it worked. I consider myself, because you never know.

ron said...

HA HA! if u save 4 and 50, when they used to do it again. In particular, if U has a large collection of them.

Anonymous said...

it is probable that only a few

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